The Truth Will Not Be Silenced
The Truth Will Not Be Silenced is a weekly podcast that discusses and shares about real-life experiences, both personal and professional. That encourages, inspires, motivates, uplifts, and helps people. People from all walks of life share their stories. Stories that need to be shared, seen, and heard that makes us human. To Be Seen. To Be Heard. To Be Human.
The Truth Will Not Be Silenced
Medical Billing and Coding Fundamentals
In today's episode, we will talk about Medical Billing and Coding Fundamentals with special guest Shirley Crews, Certified Medical Billing and Coding. We'll discuss and have a conversation about real experiences, personal and professional, and the importance of medical billing and coding fundamentals that needs to be shared that allows us to be seen, to be heard, and to be human. Sharing our stories allows us To Be Seen, To Be Heard, and To Be Human.
Shirley Crews Email: shirleycrews35@gmail.com
Show Link https://thetruthwillnotbesilenced.buzzsprout.com
Show Website https://thetruthwillnotbesilenced.com/
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